Mobile Description. FIFA has a new name in i. OS, Android and Windows Phone devices. Now it is EA Sports FIFA instead of FIFA 1. Mobile as almost everyone expected. Play beautiful on mobile EA Sports FIFA lets celebrate every awesome attack, nail biting goal, and powerful win like never before with console like graphics. Experience the most realistic set of football features on this game. Here are the main features of this game All New Engine. Get ready for better skill moves, more exciting goals, more responsive controls, smarter team mates and improved animations. Plus, now its even easier to play like a pro Enhanced Hybrid Controls that let you use Gestures or Buttons to control the ball. Gain improved offside awareness and more with Attacking Intelligence, then blow past defenders with ease. Also, for the first tie on mobile, you can trigger unique player celebrations on the pitch after you score. Build and Manage your Ultimate Team. Earn, trade and transfer superstars like Lionel Messi, Jordan Henderson and Juan Cuadrado to create your own fantasy team. Choose your play style, formation, kits and more, then balance player chemistry for the strongest squad compositions. Real World Football. Choose from over 1. Recreate challenges from current live event football matches, too, with Dynamic Accomplishments. Player Exchange. Now trade players and items you no longer need for a chance of unlocking something better. The higher value item or player you trade, the better the upgrade youll get back More about FIFA 1. Mobile. Beta On September 2. The more you play now, the more gold players EA will gift you for the new season. Until the final release date, the game uses the FUT 1. FUT 1. 5 layout cards. Graphics and Game Play Much better graphics. It looks like FIFA for Playstation 3 or XBox 3. The game play is also much better, more fluid. IG first celebrations ever. Game Modes It only includes Ultimate Team. There is no other game mode. Many live events, such as tournaments and dynamic accomplishments. How it Looks It looks like FIFA World onto mobile. Many similarities with FIFA World layout, formations cards formations affect chemistry, simulations, etcMore Details Price Ranges are included There is no Concept Squads You can now exchange the players you dont want. Updates EA Sports FIFA is a new game that will keep going year after year, with regular updates. You keep your cards every season there is no need to start over from scratch. Ultimate Team Menus. Main Menu. When you launch the game, this is the menu you will see Ultimate Team Main Menu. If you enter in the Ultimate Team, you will find a main menu like this one, where you will be able to choose Play, My Club or Transfers Play Menu. You can play on line or single player, seasons or tournaments My Club Menu. You can check which cards you have in your club and manage your squads. Transfers Menu. Search, buy, sell and exchange players. FIFA 1. 6 Mobile Additional Informationi. OS version. Released 0. August 2. 01. 5 final version on 2. September 2. 01. 5Version 1. Size 1. 2. 1 Gb. Languages English. Developer Electronic Arts. Seller EA Swiss Sarl. Price Free. Compatibility Requires i. OS 8. 0 or higher and is compatible with i. Phone 5s, i. Phone 6, i. Phone 6 Plus, i. Pad Air, i. Pad Air Wi Fi Cellular, i. Pad mini 2, i. Pad mini 2 Wi Fi Cellular, i. Pad Air 2, i. Pad Air 2 Wi Fi Cellular, i. Pad mini 3, i. Pad mini 3 Wi Fi Cellular and i. Pad touch 6th generation. Android version. Released 2. September 2. 01. 5Version 2. Size 1. 3 Gb. Languages English. Price Free. Compatibility Requires Android 4. Motorola Nexus 6, HTC Nexus 9, HTC M8, Asus Nexus 7 2nd Gen, Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy Alpha, Samsung Galaxy Note Edge, Sony Ericsson Xperia Z2 Tablet, Sony Ericsson Xperia Z3, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC Nexus 4 and LG G2. Minimum Specifications 1. GB RAM, A9 Cortex 1. GHz Quad core CPU or 1. GHz Dual core Krait CPU, Adreno 3. GPU or equivalent. Windows Phone version. Released To be announced. Version 1. 0. 0. Size 1 GBLanguages English. Developer Electronic Arts. Developer Electronic Arts. Seller EA Swiss Sarl. Price Free. Compatibility To be announced. How to Download FIFA 1. Mobile. Please make sure you have at least 1. GB of free space on your device. OS Canadian users. Open the App Store and search for EA Sports FIFA not FIFA 1. Mobile. Click in install. If you live in other region, see here how to change it. OS users. Click here. Click in Download. Android users. Click here. Click in Install. Windows Phone users. Click here not available yet. Click in Install. If you are having problems to download, try to change the region of the store. Compatible Controllers. To improve the game play experience, fans now have the option to use a number of different controllers in FIFA 1. Mobile. Choose the right controls to suit your style, then change them to suit your mood. The following controllers are now compatible with the game Steelseries Stratus i. OSSteelseries Stratus XL i. OSSteelseries Pro Mobile AndroidMoga Ace Power i. OSMoga Pro Power AndroidMoga Hero Power AndroidMoga Pocket Controller AndroidLogitech Power. Shell i. OSMad Catz C. T. R. L. R Mobile Gamepad AndroidMad Catz C. T. R. L. i Mobile Gamepad i. OSFIFA 1. 6 Mobile Screenshots. FIFA 1. 6 Mobile Videos. FIFA 1. 6 Mobile FAQQ In which devices FIFA 1. A i. OS, Android and Windows Phone devices. Q Can I manage my FUT 1. FIFA 1. 6 Mobile A No. You need to use the Companion App. Q How can I buy FIFA points and packs for FIFA 1. Mobile A You can purchase points and packs by opening your Main Menu and tapping the Store button. From there you can tap either the Points or the Packs button depending on what you would like to purchase. Tapping these buttons will then take you to their corresponding purchase menus. Purchasing Packs. In the Packs menu, you will be given the option to browse and select the type of pack you would like to purchase. You can also view information related to what the pack you currently have selected includes. Once you have decided on the pack you would like to purchase, tap the Buy button. Purchasing Points. In the Points menu you will be able to view and purchase varying amounts of FIFA Points along with their purchase price. Once you have decided on your purchase, tap the corresponding button. Q It is possible to avoid my kids buy FIFA Points A Yes. You may disable in app purchasing using your device settings. Q What is the price of FIFA Points for FIFA 1. Mobile A 1. 00 FIFA points 0. FIFA points 1. 9. FIFA points 2. 9. FIFA points 5. 4. FIFA points 1. 0. FIFA points 1. 3. FIFA points 2. 7. Q Do I have to purchase FIFA points to make a purchase from the FIFA 1. Mobile menu A FIFA points are not your only option when making a purchase in the store you can also use the coins that you earn through playing the game. Once you have decided on your purchase and tapped the buy button, you will be prompted to choose coins or FIFA points as a method of purchase. Please note that if you do not have sufficient coins to make the purchase, you will only be able to select the FIFA points purchase option. PC Skidrow Games Crackheyid just like to name a few games that id really like to see uploaded with crack pc versions. Not entirely sure if some are possible but here goes Metal Gear Solid i love all parts Devil may cry 3 or 4 hmm. I noticed the uploaded arcade versions, i grew up playing those and have played like, every MK game that came out except ps. Marvel vs Capcom 3PLS, this is a HUGE request with blueberry cheesecake on top, PLS upload atleast something from the Final Fantasy games. Oddworld Abes Exodus. One of my favs back when i had a ps. P just a suggestion.
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