Update Samsung Galaxy Ace S5830 to Android 2. Gingerbread XWKTQ Firmware with this article. Due to lack in hardware and RAM compatibility, Samsung Galaxy Ace GT. XXLD3OXXLA2XXLD2. China S5. 83. 0iZPLH1CHNLH1ZCLF1. India S5. 83. 0iXXLI1ODDLI1DDLI1. Nepal S5. 83. 0iXXLF3ODDLF1DDLF1. Vietnam S5. 83. 0iDXLF1OLBLD1DXLF1. Philippines S5. 83. DXLF1OLBLD1DXLF1. Singapore S5. 83. DXLF1OLBLD1DXLF1. Malaysia S5. 83. DXLF1OLBLD1DXLF1. Thailand S5. 83. DXLF1OLBLD1DXLF1. Sri Lanka S5. 83. XXLF3ODDLF1DDLF1. Bangladesh S5. 83. XXLF3ODDLF1DDLF1. Spain Movistar S5. BGLH4XECLH2XXLH3. You can also download single file firmware file for you country or region and install it as directed below. To download firmware for your Galaxy Ace S5. Getting Prepared. Download appropriate firmware file from above and extract the zip to your desktop computer. Download Odin. 3 1. OdinwithpitS5. I. Download Odin. Odin. Download and install Samsung USB Drivers on your PC Download. Charge your phone and backup all essential data such as contacts, messages, apps using these free apps. Open phone Settings Applications Development and enable USB Debugging. Installing Stock Gingerbread Firmware. Turn off you phone and boot it into Download mode hold down the Volume Down Volume Up buttons, then long press the Power key till the your phones screen turns up and you see the Download mode screen. Now follow the steps that applies your case. Single File Installation If you are going to do a single file installation, launch Odin. USB cable. When the device connections is established successfully the ID COM port at Odin 3. Click on PDA button and select the firmware file with. Do not mess with any other thing in Odin and click the Start button. Multi file Installation In case you choose to install a multi file firmware, run Odin. PC while it is in Download mode. When the device is connected, the ID COM will turn yellow. Make sure that Re Partition, Auto Reboot and F Reset Time options are checked on Odin. Now click on PIT button and select the. Then click the PDA button and select the file with CODE in its name. Click Phone and select the file with MODEM in its name. Click on CSC and select the file with CSC in its name. Finally hit the Start button on Odin and let the installation finish. The installation will take just a few minutes and when it is done your phone will reboot automatically. The first boot usually takes longer time so a little patience is required. When the phone boots, check the firmware version from Settings About on your Galaxy Ace S5. Enjoy the new firmware. Cheers You Might Also Like How to Root and Install CWM Recovery on Galaxy Ace S5. Best Custom ROMs for Samsung Galaxy Ace GT S5. Samsung Galaxy J1 review and best deals Review July 2. Rating In a nutshell The Samsung Galaxy J1 was originally released in India early in 2. UK. Its a cheap, entry level smartphone, but it cuts too many corners with its dual core processor and tiny memory. We think it would prove to be a frustrating experience, and wed recommend you avoid this one. Todays best buy Samsung Galaxy J1 SIM Free S. Amazon 9. 3. 9. Samsung J1 review Design looks. The Galaxy J1 is a very typical Samsung phone, almost exactly the same size as the Galaxy Ace 4, but with a squarer shape. Its plastic of course, but solid enough, and of average thickness and weight. Its available in a choice of White or Blue. The screen size is a generous 4. Dual core processor. Its quite rare to find a phone with a dual core processor these days most phones have 4 cores, if not more. The J1s twin cores run at a slow 1. GHz too, so theres very little processing power here. Coupled with a tiny 5. MB of RAM, this is one of the least powerful smartphones available, and is likely to struggle with more demanding apps. The built in memory of just 4. GB is very small too, and only 2. GB of this is available to the user. A micro. SD card slot is available for storing photos, music and so on, but the minimal onboard memory is liable to cause problems for users. The J1 runs Android Kit. Kat 4. 4. 4, with Samsungs Touch. Wiz user interface. We think that the hardware isnt really enough to support a user friendly experience, and users are likely to become frustrated when using this phone, even with basic apps. The phone has a 5 megapixel camera on the rear, and a 2 megapixel camera on the front. Both are basic cameras. G connectivity. The J1 runs on 3. G and 2. G networks only, with no 4. G option. It comes with GPS and GLONASS positioning, and in addition has Wi Fi, Bluetooth, and USB, connections, plus a 3. Battery life. The phone has a reasonably big battery, rated at 1. Ah. Thats not huge by any means, but its bigger than a lot of entry level phones, and should enable most users to get a couple of days between charges, especially since the phone doesnt really lend itself to heavy use. Conclusion. Samsung originally launched the J1 in Asian markets only. Its a smartphone thats stripped to the basics, and we fear that its just too basic for the UK market. Despite its low cost, there are actually better options available for the same kind of money, and wed steer you in the direction of the Ace 4, Huawei Ascend Y5. Sony E4 instead. Alternatively, if you can afford slightly more, check out our Samsung J5 review. Samsung Galaxy J1 features include Android Kit. Kat 4. 4. 4. 5 megapixel camera with LED flash, autofocus, 4x digital zoom, HD video recording. Display TFT, 1. 6 million colours, 4. Music player. FM radio with RDSA GPS and GLONASS with Google Maps. Messaging SMS, MMS, instant messaging, email, chat. Processor Dual core 1. GHz, 5. 12. MB RAMMemory 4. GB plus micro. SD memory card slot. Connectivity Wi Fi, Wi Fi Direct, Bluetooth 4. USB 2. 0, 3. 5mm audio jack. G 9. 002. 10. 0MHz HSPA, GSMSize 1. Weight 1. 30g. Battery 1. Ah battery. Talk time 1. Samsung Galaxy J1 SIM Free S. Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace Sim Fr. Samsung Galaxy J1 SIM Free S. Samsung Galaxy J1 DUAL SIM F. Samsung Galaxy J1 Ace Sim Fr. Samsung Galaxy J1 Sim Free S. Samsung Galaxy J1 2. Samsung J1 Galaxy Eu Spec Si. Samsung Galaxy J1 Sim Free S. Samsung Galaxy J1 SIM Free S. User questions. Got a questionThis is the place to ask it Ask a question. Please dont ask a question that has already been asked. Duplicates will be removed. Does this phone do. Face. Time Asked by Rua. Oct 2. 01. 6Reply. Reply by Bobby. from United States. Oct 2. 01. 6No, only i. Phones do Facetime. Asked by bry. on 1. Jul 2. 01. 6when iam wakeup early morning 0. Reply. I bought my Samsung j. Australia and now live in uk. Do i have to have it unlocked to put. Asked by Doreen smith. Jun 2. 01. 6Reply. See all 7 questions. Samsung Galaxy J1 user reviews. Love this product Hate it Please share your experiences to help other people choose the product thats best for them. Please do not review this product if you have not used it, and please ask questions in our User Questions section above. Please do not use swear words or offensive language, and please, no advertising Average rating from 4. Reviewed by bonod chaudhary. May 2. 01. 7It is not so bad. Still wotking as other samsung products. But i think. bit things needs to be developed. Rating Reply. Reviewed by SDH. Apr 2. 01. 7My Samsung Galaxy J1 has given me enormous pleasure and great. Hamari Devrani Last Episode Written Updates. I received it as a 2. Christmas present. Rating Reply. Reviewed by abhinav. Jan 2. 01. 7Worst phone of samsung it hang alot. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Kris. Jan 2. 01. 7Cool phone no problem with it and i said that it looks like a. Rating Reply. Reviewed by kavya. Dec 2. 01. 6Worst phone, all time hanging, very difficult to use dont buy this. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Kevin. Nov 2. 01. 6The memory is nearly full of built in apps that I dont want or need. It runs really. slowly, it is difficult to transfer stuff to the SD card. The external. speaker is terrible, distorted sound and low volume cant hear it. Also the screen breaks really. OK for reading emails and a bit of web surfing. Predictive. text is a waste of time as you have to type nearly all of the word. My best ever phone was a Sony that I. I broke that one as well. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Frank. South Africa. on 2. Nov 2. 01. 6Worst phone I have ever owned. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Bret. South Africa. on 2. Sep 2. 01. 6I have had this model for 6 months now and have had Zero problems. Everything works 1. It was a good buy. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Chiyoda. Philippines. on 2. Jul 2. 01. 6After 1 month my phone Samsung J1 is not working the key back. I tried. to get this back to the store where I bought and they forwarded my. Samsung Service center and advised me that the warranty for. I asked them what is. I cannot see it. seen by my eyes, need a microscope. Its STUPID, they are asking me to. REALLY STUPID asking. I did not pay them and I advised them to do. I will get back my money. Until now no feedback from. It it took 2 months to them. VERY BAD Experience with SAMSUNG. PHONE Rating Reply. Reviewed by Mark. Jul 2. 01. 6Does what it says on the box, good value phone for those of us not. Rating Reply. Reviewed by liz mcmanus. May 2. 01. 6Worse phone Ive ever had, The salesman never told me about the poor. Ive now had to buy a memory card, It constantly crashes in the. If I want to read e mails it takes ages to. I. am stuck with it for 2 years. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Martin. May 2. 01. 6This phone is one to be avoided at all costs. I bought it to get away. Motorola Razr i which was beginning to struggle with. This one is worse. Im looking to buy. The apps crash, they are slow to open need i say more. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Lola. May 2. 01. 6I think you shouldnt buy it. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Jordan. May 2. 01. 6Im a student from Canada studying in the UK for half a year. So I. bought a cheap phone to use. Everything in this review is fairly. It takes ages to do anything on the. Facebook messenger, Whats. App, or especially Snapchat. Apps crash frequently. But the most. frustrating thing is the keyboard. It often crashes and will not pop. The touch screen has had. I cant wait until I get back to Canada and get a. Avoid this phone at all costs. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Cheryl. New Zealand. on 1. Apr 2. 01. 6Re Samsung Galaxy Ace J1. For 2 days it has indicated its running out of. The message just kept coming back, then couldnt get into px to delete. But none of that has affected the memory. Now messages coming through about Android process and media. I was really liking this phone until a couple of. Rating Reply. Reviewed by ja. Apr 2. 01. 6sorry this one should have stayed in india. Rating Reply. Reviewed by Lyn.