MDGx AXCEL216 MAX Speed Performance Windows 10 2012 8. Vista 2003 XP SP1 SP2 SP3 ME 2000 98 SE OSR2 OSR1 95 NT4 NT 3. DOS 6 Tricks Secrets Tips. I found a hiddem gem the other day from Microsoft that is designed for testing ports Portqry. Portqry. exe is a commandline utility that you can use to help. Microsoft Download Center Portqry Exe' title='Microsoft Download Center Portqry Exe' />This guide provides steps to help you troubleshoot the Azure file connection issue, creation issue, and performance issue. It also includes a troubleshoot script that. Rsa Encryption Program In Java there. Experts, I need to know how to check open ports in remote computers without using any freewares. OS is windows server 2003. Thanks in Advance. Portqry. exe TCPIP Windows 2000.