Business software. Search or browse for definitions related to the procurement, implementation and management of line of business software applications that are vital. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. Lodge Define Lodge at Dictionary. Old French loge arbor, covered walk hut, cabin, grandstand at a tournament, from Frankish laubja shelter cf. Old High German louba porch, gallery, German Laube bower, arbor, from Proto Germanic aubja shelter, likely originally shelter of foliage, or roof made from bark, from root of leaf n. Hunters cabin sense is first recorded late 1. Sense of local branch of a society is first recorded 1. Also used of certain American Indian buildings, hence lodge pole 1. Feste of Logges c. Middle English rendition of the Old Testament Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Kiwanis Club Chula Vista California. Cambridge Dictionary For Windows 10© 2017